Rising Phoenix Enrichment Program, Inc is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit agency providing Enrichment services for K-12th grade and adult education, within the State of Georgia. Rising Phoenix’s goal is to foster a commitment to young people that will promote pro-social friendships, strong interpersonal skills, and re-assert a sense of hope in the future. The vision manifested in April 2011. Our program was created due to the direct response to the growing number of young people that are falling through the cracks at schools. To accomplish this goal, young people must be in a caring, inclusive learning environment that promotes their best effort and reinforces personal respect. Rising Phoenix Enrichment Program’s Director is determined to make a difference in the lives of the youth, with a focus on the Middle and High School children. Mrs Johnson is also a Sponsor for the SFSP and CACFP Program in the State of Georgia.
The CACFP provides “Cash” reimbursement to child and adult care institutions and family or group day care homes that provide nutritious meals and snack to eligible participants. This is a USDA funded program, available to ALL qualifying centers.
Licensed Day Care Centers
Family Child Care Learning Home
Adult Day Care centers
After School Program
Homeless/Emergency Shelters
The Summer Food Service Program provides “Free” nutritious meals & snacks to children ages 5-18, 19-26 with physical & mental disabilities who participate in special school programs for the disabled. This is a USDA funded program, available to ALL qualifying sites.
Camps (residential & non residential)
National Youth Sports Programs
Churches/Vacation Bible School
Migrant Site
Homeless Sites (Emergency Shelters)
RPEP is a sponsoring organization for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and The Summer Food Service Program
Rising Phoenix after Rising Phoenix Enrichment Program, Inc. (RPEP)